Facts about Norway
About half of Norway is inside the arctic circle. Oslo is the capital. Norway only has about 4,500,000 people. Some U.S. cities have more than that. The main religion is Protestant. Evangelical Lutherans are the majority (90%). 99% of the people can read and write. Major cities in Norway are Oslo, Trondheim, and Bergen. Hammerfest, the northernmost city in the world, is situated at 71 N latitude. The ancient Norwegian vikings were the first to discover the new world in the AD 800- 900's. There are three ancient viking ships on display at the Viking Shipyard in Oslo.
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You will learn about my trip to Norway.
Norway is a long, narrow country along the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the northern most countries in the world. Because of the cold weather and mountainous terrain its national sport is skiing.

Alpine Skier |

Flag of Norway |